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Grown up in the nature of the austrian „Mühlviertel“, Simon Gruber discovered in early years his love and deep connection to the nature, which he tried to picture with his camera later.
Far away from home, through trekking trips to lonely places all over the world, Simon intensified this passion for nature in all of its facets.
The continuous engagement with the personal perception and what one is able to express in his pictures, caused him to experience with the camera to find his own creative identity.
Simon Gruber deals with different aspects of photography since many years and tries to make his motives perceptible on an emotional level.
His great love and connection with nature, as well as his intuition and his special feeling for lightning mood and colours, allow him to create unique pieces of art.
In his landscape pictures he aims at conveying feelings and moods beside of the pure visual presentation.
The vision of the artist, is to enable an intense sensation of the motiv through the applied technic and the sensitive interpretation of the motive.
Fine lines reveal the calm of the lake and immerse the soul in the depths of the water. Vulnerable and inconspicuous, the grasses open their delicate beauty to the pausing observer. Fine lines reveal the calm of the...
A magical appearance that embodies the merging of man and nature as a symbol of our connection with the earth and leaves room for interpretation. A magical appearance that embodies...
Black sand, created by volcanic ash and formed by the water of the sea with gentle transitions of light and shadow. Black sand, created by volcanic ash...
Mystical, almost invisible, the lake lies calm and untouched in front of me. You can almost feel the silence of this backdrop. Mystical, almost invisible, the lake...
An image like a meditation. It exudes calm and directs your gaze to the water glistening in the sun on the right edge of the picture. An image like a meditation. It exudes...
This autumn picture with golden leaves looks almost abstract and fascinates with its warm colors before winter arrives. This autumn picture with golden...
Sun rays between the trees of the forest slowly bring light and warmth. There is a pleasant scent in the air. Sun rays between the trees of the...
The approaching fog and frozen trees in the sunlight form the contrast on this November picture. Just a few minutes later, the trees had disappeared in the fog. The approaching fog and frozen trees...
Nature's color palette always surprises us with its creations, if we just look closely. Nature's color palette always...
On warm days, the light in the woods floods the fog and dissolves it into a scene that looks like something out of a dream. On warm days, the light in the woods...
During a trekking tour in Iceland I slept on the beach in order to catch the shades of the morning light in the symbiosis of black volcanic sand and the rushing sea. During a trekking tour in Iceland I...