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Being a twin, it is what influenced me the most in my life. Originally, we were only one egg which then divided into two parts. No doubt, we are physically two people, with a life of our own, but the fact of having shared and grown together in our mother’s womb before birth creates a bond that is unimaginable. Since the beginning, we form a unit and live a “double life”, sometimes shared and sometimes separate, for eternity.
Japanische Fotografin, geboren in Nagasaki, Japan. Nach ihrem Studium der Humanwissenschaften an der Universität in Japan wurde sie Ingenieurin für Computersysteme. Während sie arbeitete, lernte sie an der Fotoschule das Fotografieren und begann ihre künstlerische Praxis. Um ihre persönliche fotografische Arbeit zu vertiefen, zog sie 2005 nach Paris. Absolvierte den Masterstudiengang Fotografie und zeitgenössische Kunst an der Universität Paris VIII. Derzeit lebt und arbeitet sie in Paris.
8 Fotos aus der Serie "Double vie" werden für die Sammlungen des Musée français de la photographie in Bièvre erworben.
Double vie wurde in der Zeitschrift Niepcebook veröffentlicht.
Ausstellung im Rahmen der Dali International Photography Exhibition, August 2017, Dali, China. Bourse du Talent, Has come of age joint exhibitions.
Einzelausstellung "Double vie" Galerie Dentsu Carat, Courbevoie, Frankreich.
Ausgewählt für "Les zooms" auf dem Salon de la photo 2017 in Paris.
Finalistin der Talentbörse Porträt. Juni 2017.
Takashi plays the saxophone, Kiyoshi the trumpet. They used to run a petrol station and a restaurant together. Now Takashi sells second-hand cars, while Kiyoshi runs a bar, but they help each other as always. Takashi plays the saxophone, Kiyoshi...
They are 20 years old. They are comedians and have started the manzai (Japanese sketch in dialogue between two comedians). Youya likes reading Hanta Kinoshita's novels, Masaya likes listening to Kobukuro's music. They are 20 years old. They are...
They like to read books, play at dinner, and are very fond of the cuddly toys of "Hanachan", the sister of "Shimajiro". They like to eat a lot. They were always eating cakes during the photo shoot. They like to read books, play at...
Since childhood, they have been aware of being "symmetrical". They always wear the same clothes of different colours with the same jewellery and wear their hair symmetrically to the left and right. Since childhood, they have been aware...
Takuya is studying for a master's degree in psychology in Kagoshima, Naoya works in a clothing shop in Saga. Takuya plays jazz and saxophone, while Naoya likes surfing and photography. Takuya is studying for a master's...
Esteban is gifted at doing magic and is very fond of a megalodon tooth. While Manoa likes to fish. He is attached to an amonite fossil and a small bottle of gold leaf. Esteban is gifted at doing magic and...
They are 5 years old and are Franco-Japanese dizygotic twins. Kumiko expresses herself well the French way, while Miako doesn't really show her feelings the Japanese way. When one cries, the other always encourages her. They are 5 years old and are...
Lucy learns ballet, Eve practises gymnastics and football. Lucy has a sweet and sometimes funny character, as for Eve, she is a determined child who wants to grow up quickly. Lucy learns ballet, Eve practises...
Their interests are very different, but they sometimes play chess together. Gregoire used to practice martial arts while Theophilus is studying to become a kindergarten teacher. He is interested in psychology, philosophy and the Bible. Their interests are very different,...
They love their toys, cars and picture books very much, but they tear the books up very often, it saddens their mummy. They love their toys, cars and...
They met their husbands in the same place, at the same time, and the four of them got married together. In addition, they each have two boys and two girls, but they gave birth to their first baby almost at the same time, 40 hours apart. They met their husbands in the same...
They are always together. When one or the other is not there, they feel empty. Once, on a school trip, they were separated for 3 days, it made them sad and they ended up crying. They are always together. When one or...