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Minsk explores opposing female forces – purity and impurity, life-giving and emasculating, angelic and demonic – in an effort to find a precarious of balance. Like the rays of light passing through a lens, the resulting focal point is powerful but unstable, ready to collapse, disappear or be revived at the slightest attempt at interpretation.
Gorgons, Lilith, celestial and underworldly goddesses… his symbolic language is nourished by the study of esotericism, world religions and mythologies as well as scientific findings.
Kaleidoscopic images break down into myriad patterns, cells, pixels and networks. The emerging figures are adorned in motifs which reveal their divine and mysterious essence, sometimes hiding or else holding the key to the deeper meaning of the image as a whole.
Minsk first approached artistic creation through drawing. His earliest images, raw phantasmagoric expressions, were done in pencil on cardstock.
Today, he uses a variety of techniques, materials and media in line with his ever-developing research and according to whatever means best express his current leanings: painting, sculpture, sewing, photography, digital imagery, video, live performance…
Maximilien MINSK has a background in science, with a degree in cellular biochemistry and an early professional experience in the world of industry.
After a life-changing experience, he came to understand artistic creation not only as a means of personal expression, but also as a way to pursue theoretical and formal research.
Minsk’s work has been featured in many cities in France (Paris, Lyon, Annecy, Chambéry, Grenoble, Perpignan, Collioure…), as well as in New York (Golden Gallery), Shanghai (Pole Art Fair), Geneva, Brussels, and Vicenza. He has participated in numerous events such as the Fête du Lac in Annecy, in partnership with the pyrotechnical performance group SSF, and an Haute Couture project with the designer Eric MOUNG.
He is currently based in Annecy and works on site as part of the artistic collective Art By Friends.
Eighth panel of the series, is it a cry of fear of the flesh in the face of its destruction, or is it the vital cry of the child born calling for life to enter into him? The girl and death's serie Eighth panel of the series, is it a...
The sprawling interlacing of the cephalopod (cephalopod=brain=psychiatric) is set with the "young girl" illustrating the complex onslaught of the mind searching in vain for answers to existential questions. The sprawling interlacing of the...
First panel of the diptych "Day and Night" from the series The Young Girl and Death. Like an X-ray image revealing under the juvenile flesh, its blood network, muscles and skeleton reminding us of its future end. First panel of the diptych "Day and...
Continuing her journey, the young girl, now Queen, evolves towards her status as a polymorphous and demiurge Goddess. Series: The Maiden and Death Continuing her journey, the young...
After the octopus's assault on the spirit, the time has come to confront the very face of Death in a sharp reflection. As the only answer to this abyss, the Young Girl invites us to this introspective journey and to the perilous face to face with her own nothingness! The Maiden and Death's serie; After the octopus's assault on the...
After the lethal confrontation, the chrysalis girl turns into a conqueror and an Amazon warrior that fear no longer reaches. Series: The young girl and death. After the lethal confrontation, the...
Diaphane, haloed and crowned, she faces, not afraid to offer the fruit of her pain: the Tear as a precious duel present. Diaphane, haloed and crowned, she...
Hurried to Tartarus after their judgement, the 50 sisters, in order to atone for their murders, were condemned to have to fill a bottomless jar for all eternity. Hurried to Tartarus after their...
Acronym for various Egyptian deities evoking order and disorder, harmony and destruction, life and death! Nephthys, Isis, Seth, Noun, Nebethetepet etc... Acronym for various Egyptian deities...
In reference to the XVth arcana of the Tarot de Marseille, the Devil (the one who separates), contains in himself and by his motto the whole of the "Great Work" of traditional alchemy. In reference to the XVth arcana of...