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In the darkness of an ethereal night, mystical photography dances with the invisible, capturing mute legends in a flash of light. Each image becomes a doorway to the unexplored, where shadows reveal forgotten tales and reflections awaken sleeping mysteries. Legends come to life in the lens, weaving watermark stories between the visible and the imaginary, while photography becomes the magical medium of our intimate connection with the unknown. A visual echo, a silent poetry, mystical photography invites us to explore the enchanted recesses of our souls through images where reality and dream intertwine in a timeless dance.
The knight stood before the altar, dressed in his shining armor and holding his sword firmly in his hand, Everything about her appearance reflected her nobility. The knight stood before the altar,...
This artistic portrait features a warrior angel, ready to fight with his victorious stance and his sword proudly resting. This artistic portrait features a...
This painting depicts an angel dancing to honour the warriors who gave their lives in battle. The angel's dance symbolises gratitude and love for those who made the ultimate sacrifice to protect their people. This painting depicts an angel...
This work represents the ambiguity and duality that can be found in human beings. The fallen angel is both a symbol of beauty, power and transcendence, but also a symbol of fall, sin and decay. This work represents the ambiguity...
Before the beasts, before the men, at the very beginning of time... The landscape, in the Great North, leads to metaphysics, awakens in us ancient, and probably unconscious, memories of cosmogony. Before the beasts, before the men, at...
A magical appearance that embodies the merging of man and nature as a symbol of our connection with the earth and leaves room for interpretation. A magical appearance that embodies...
Black sand, created by volcanic ash and formed by the water of the sea with gentle transitions of light and shadow. Black sand, created by volcanic ash...
Mystical, almost invisible, the lake lies calm and untouched in front of me. You can almost feel the silence of this backdrop. Mystical, almost invisible, the lake...
The catita is a clown, running and jumping before the maracatu procession as a sort of comic relief. The catita is a clown, running and...
This baba (old woman) is “carrying” the harmonica player, in the Carnaval parade with the traditional oraci group in the town of Okiç, in the Ptuj region of Slovenia. This baba (old woman) is “carrying”...
Made of a durable wood, these masks are often constructed over a few years. On the island of Bubaque in Guinea-Bissau, each Carnaval, a new change is added to the mask. Made of a durable wood, these masks...