
In the darkness of an ethereal night, mystical photography dances with the invisible, capturing mute legends in a flash of light. Each image becomes a doorway to the unexplored, where shadows reveal forgotten tales and reflections awaken sleeping mysteries. Legends come to life in the lens, weaving watermark stories between the visible and the imaginary, while photography becomes the magical medium of our intimate connection with the unknown. A visual echo, a silent poetry, mystical photography invites us to explore the enchanted recesses of our souls through images where reality and dream intertwine in a timeless dance.

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  • Limited edition of 50 exemplaires
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    Light Light

    Inside the church, before prayer, the signs of God, light, the secret beauty of creation. The sunlight coming out of these windows gives all its intensity at a certain time of the day. Inside the church, before prayer, the...

    From 555.04 CHF Available
  • Limited edition of 50 exemplaires
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    Christ Light Christ Light

    A sign from God, after the Eucharist, at the Abbey of Sénanque near Avignon, in Provence. Eight monks live there. It is a privileged place where one can appreciate nature, the divine creation. But also the impact of light on objects and bodies, certainly giving them a better meaning. A sign from God, after the Eucharist,...

    From 555.04 CHF Available
Showing 37 - 38 of 38 items